Nick and the Community

Bovada Casino

A business is only as good as the customers that frequent it and if you ever hear someone try to tell you something else, you have our permission to call BS on them! Businesses only succeed because they have great customers and Nick's understands this. Nick's also understands that for a business like a sports bar, the majority of the customers come from the local community. Therefore, improving the local community improves the customers and that in turn makes Nick's a better business. This is how all good businesses operate and Nick's is always looking for a good way to give back to the community that has given us so much over the years. Here are just some examples of ways that we have given back to the community over the years.

Sponsoring Sports Teams

Many of the people that eat at Nick's have children and many of these children play in sports teams. Well, in order to increase their own physical fitness level and to ensure that there are sports lovers for many of the generations to come, Nick's always sponsors at least one sports team a season. In the past, we have sponsored teams for the little league baseball, soccer and hockey leagues in our area and we are going to be sponsoring a football team in the upcoming little league that will be making its debut in this area. Nick's Sports Bar is extremely proud of all of the teams that we've sponsored and that are exactly why you are going to see pictures of all of those teams when you stop by the bar.

Venue Service for Food Drives

There are few things in the world today that feel better than a food drive. Not only do you get the chance to raise a lot of food and money for the people in the community that need it the most, but you also get a chance to meet all of the other good Samaritans in the area. Nick's is deeply committed to many of the different social issues in the community and that is why on more than one occasion we have donated our building for use for a particular food drive. Nick's central location within the community as well as the generally good knowledge that people have about us is one of the big reasons that we make such a great venue for these types of things and we have no problem letting people use our facilities for a good cause. Donations

If that wasn't enough, donations also come out of Nick's Sports Bar on a regular basis. In addition to providing sponsorship and complimentary venue service for many of the charitable events that happen in our community, Nick's also donates a percentage of their corporate profits to charity every single year. This percentage varies from year to year depending on what the profits are like, but we allow our customers to suggest nominations for the charities and then actually vote on which charity the money should go to. In this way, every single customer knows what Nick's gives to every year and at the end of the year everyone on our mailing list knows the exact dollar and cent amount that we give as well.

As you can see from the above descriptions, Nick's is heavily involved in the community that we work around. However, even though we already do a lot for the community, we are always on the lookout for other things that we can do as well. If you have an idea along these lines and would like to pitch it to us, make sure that you contact us and let us know as soon as possible so that we can find a time for you to come in and chat with the brass.